5 Reasons Why You Should Consider SEO for Your Business?

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider SEO for Your Business?

Turn Your Business Into a Brand with Professional SEO! If you wish to turn your business into a successful Brand, you need SEO to make it happen in the most viable and cost-effective way. Reaching your potential audience is possible through SEO only and it is the most recommended way for any business despite its…
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google helpful content update 2022, google algorithm update

Google Helpful Content Update 2022: Know the Important Highlights

Recently, Google has announced its new Helpful Content policies for English readers on a global level. In the wake of Google algorithm Update 2022, website owners with online businesses are always cautious about the impact on their content. Now, in comparison to SEO-optimised content, search results on the platform will prioritise content that provides readers…
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Page Speed Hacks You Will Love to Know

Page Speed Hacks You Will Love to Know!

Page speed is the amount of time it takes for a web page to load its assets on a web browser. We all expect to load web pages in split seconds. And our frustration is astronomically high when we see white blank screens or “cute” animated loaders. Here we have listed a few key points…
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A Simple Guide to Boost your Google Reviews with some Cool Data

A Simple Guide to Boost your Google Reviews with some Cool Data

The feeling when your product or service receives 5-star reviews is of exuberance. As an owner, entrepreneur, or dedicated team, you are working so hard to meet the needs of your customers and positive reviews give you a much-deserved dopamine shot. We have created this simple guide so that you get the constant dopamine and…
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5 Effective Ways to Reduce Bounce Rates

5 Effective Ways to Reduce Bounce Rates

Bounce rate is a metric which indicates how well your particular web page is performing. Usually, high bounce rate is indicative of low performance but bounce rate must always be analyzed in proper context. Websites usually have 26% to 70% bounce rates (Rocket fuel study). And sometimes too low bounce rate (below 26%) can be…
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How to Create Titles that result in high CTR

How to Create Titles that result in high CTR?

From Good to Great: Crafting Titles That Deliver High CTR A title is like a gateway to your content. It is one of the important factors which can provide an SEO edge. A good title matches the search intent which leads to high CTR (Click-through Rate). Search algorithms are designed to provide higher rankings to…
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What’ll be the Impact of Covid 19 on digital marketing?

Although the virus surfaced in 2019, it destroyed the essence of 2020 putting everything in a never-before stand still mode. We fought hard, got used to new normals, mourned stories of countless deaths and cried at the scale of health, financial and emotional disaster it caused worldwide. Unfortunately, we did not know it was not…
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How to write great SEO content?

How to Write SEO Content That Drives Traffic and Rankings SEO content is evolving every day. What worked a few years ago is no longer applicable today and you can not accurately predict the upcoming SEO content trends with total precision. But the core foundations of writing great content that is optimized for search and…
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Different aspects of local SEO

Many things have been seen and heard about SEO. Almost everyone who is on digital platform knows the power of it. But even today not everyone is aware of its best use. And very few know the different ways of using SEO to make best use of it. Among the various ways of using SEO,…
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Local search trends for 2021

Searches like near me, nearby, open now, near to me are increasing in volume every year. More and more people are entering phrases that seek specific local information. Most importantly, local searches often result in better and higher conversion. A person wanting to know which pizza stores are presently open near him is more likely…
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