Google Campaign Management

Google Campaign Management

What is Google Campaign
Management All About?

Google AdWords is widely known as a highly effective platform that helps to run a unique marketing campaign of pay per click. In today’s competitive world, having your website ranked on Google is the first step of success. Creating a campaign by using the most popular platform of Google AdWords will enable you to enjoy the big return on your investment.

Must Have Ad Components

You need to have an Ad that compliance with Google including these 5 most important ad components.

  • Offer - Either you should have a compelling offer or don’t add it.
  • Headline - Your headline should exactly match with the customers’ search.
  • Description Lines - It requires explaining your offer and insists clicking through read more.
  • Display URL - Repeat you offer or indicate your store or display a call to action.
  • Ad Extensions - Recently launched, it acts as a part of your ad quality score which makes them significant to ensure you campaign’s success.
Google Campaign Management Company in faridabad
  • Google Search Advertising

    Advertise your business/product on top of google search result.

  • Google Display Advertising

    Advertise your product/service at the right place and get more traffic to your website.

  • Remarketing Campaigns

    Remarketing campaigns are dynamic ways to reach people and draw traffic to the website and multiply sales.

How to Make your Campaign Successful!

  • Be Careful with Keywords
    Always choose the most relevant keywords. It is crucial and requires a great understanding of user behavior. Use the Google keywords tool lying in the AdWords tools section or ask Google to observe your site and suggest keywords based on its findings.
  • Multiple Ad Groups can Help :
    Putting efforts into your campaigns can help you enjoy returns. You should have an idea how to create an ad group for a particular topic and then placing your keywords.
  • Be Confident in using Long-tail Keywords
    Just refrain from bidding on too general keywords. A long tail keyword suggests the 3+ keyword phrase. Bids on the long tail keywords are lower but they are more affordable and more targeted.
  • Try Phrase Matching Options
    It comes as a wonderful way to lower the cost of keyword clicks. Exact keyword phrases helps you gain something rather than not at all. More specific search phrase can be created by adding brackets around your phrase.
  • Tracking your Campaigns
    Google helps in providing a powerful free service known as Google Analytics, integrated into your AdWords account. All you require to do is add your site address and then paste some code into the pages of your site and go ahead.

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